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Hover-over the four lines of lyrics above to navigate. We are unpredictable :) , we will never and ever care what people say . We lovepeople who love us , But we never care about anybody who hating us DAMNLY BAD . do enjoy :) THE END . |
Thursday, February 3, 2011, 1:28 AM
Crazier :)
ne suma kes penat tggu c syu abis upload pic , xpa laa kita kuarkan pic yg dah dya uplod k ? :) btw , yesterday ..... hari yg sgt menghappykan . hehe . sbb apa , hangout paling BEST la kemarin , duit jimat >.< tak penat jalan-jalan . Terbuat lah SIKIT hw :p HAHA , even x cyap sumanya kan . at least ada la jugak faedh trun bndr . oh yea kemarin org2 yg terlibat , SHIKA , ANIM , JEBAT , KEROL , WAN , MIRA , HANI , SYU , SHAMSUL , AND PUTERI :) haha . ne jak la kami , tp last man standing smpai berpisah d CINCAU tu suma la , except mira , dya CHOW AWAL ^^ hek hek . btw kemarin kami MAKAN dekat choice , besa la PIZA MAMAK :P haha . then smbung blik msuk libry , buat kerja ckit jak , ambik GAMBAR melabih ^^ HAHA XD LOL . after that kemas brg then pegy UJ , ntah apa2 ntah kami bt cttuu , punya lama , sekali tgok yg mmbeli c samsul jak , beli jam tuk kelas :P hehe XD than kami pun pegi BUS STOP . d ctuu la kami gila gak kejap , ambil gmbr cam apa jak :P pastu , chow masing- masing ambik bas . ^^ tu jak la cer kami uk yesterday , maybe klu baca jak tak la korang jeles , tp jum tguk gmbr , konfem jeles :P hehee . TOODLES ! p/s ; ada gmbr nty aku uplod gy k ? With love chickyy <3 Saturday, January 29, 2011, 5:05 AM
Smith hangout :)
Friday, January 28, 2011, 7:35 AM
New post for 2011 :)
Friday, December 31, 2010, 2:43 AM
This what we call bestfriend :)
Hello korang :) Hmm , memandangkan xda org yg rjin nk update blog ne , biarlah aku post yerr :P weee <3 btw , Bulan depan genap Tahun KEEMPAT kita together kan ? sayang kamu suma , Im happy to be smith :) i noe suma pun HAPPY kan . kepada sepa2 yg pndah , SMITHS tetap syg kamu , x pernah lupa moment kita sama2 k :) dun worry . kebetulan dah ak yg post kat cne kan , ak mw mnta maaf dari hujung rambur ke hujung kaki , ak taw BANYAK SALAH ne ^^v wee , sorry ya kamu ! lusa kita dah masuk sch dah , x sabar rasanya maw tgok sepa la classmate baru kan :) btw ak happy jak sepa2 pun csmate aku , sbb suma pn SMITH bah ^^ next year pulak , kita dah dpat new student ~ Hmm , NO COMMENT BOUT THIS . biar jak la dorg en ? x pa laa klu kta x nak msukkan dorg dlam smith pun :) yg pntg kita mesti && WAJIB jaga attitude kta as org YANG LEBIH LAMA :) berbuat baik lah k ? suggestion untuk azam tahun ne? ^^ hehe , sama2 lah kita kurangkan buat kes k ? X mksudkan sepa2 pun :) suma org pn pernah buat kes kan , to anyone yg ta pernah tuu , CONGRATS ! keep it up ^^ let others talk && talk about our batch , the important is , we happy together aite ? JATUH BANGUN KITA biarlah kita sama2 hadapi k , ta maw batch kita BERPECAH BELAH , nnti TERMAKBUL apa yg orang lain ckp selama ne , kita mesti nafikan suma tu :) They dont know us , and they will never noe ~ Seperti yang telah TERTERA :) we are UNPREDICTABLE . Hmm , be4 new year , jum kita tguk wktu dulu2 , hehe :D i noe u like it rite , weee , ENJOY ! sorii yaa :) cket jak gmbr , ada masa nnty ak cari gy gmbr dulu2 :) ^^v wiff love :) Chickyy <3 Friday, December 10, 2010, 9:14 PM
Paintball , fishing ! Precious moment :)
, 9:05 PM
posting !
Assalamualaikum :) yaww ! Huuhu , kamu surii , x trupdate neyy bloggie . buzy cket dis howls . Ok , now we cont wif our story , btw , harii2 d Wall group smith thu , suma mgadu bwrink , wahh ! mmg bwrink pn tawu . gilerrr ~ sebnrnya krja thu byk , tpii ta tawuu eh ttp juwa bwrink ;DD haha . rmai smith pegy becuti skrg , kdg2 yg online pn cket shaa . sedihh , Btw , bilkan act kuar result ne , ada yg ckp 28 ada yg ckap 23 , aduhh ! kacutt tawu mnggu , klu 23 duyy , punya awal thu . tapii xpa la , reda jak dgan pa pun result , yg pentg owez doakan smith suma dpat result GEMPAK punyerrr ! heheh . ou yea , surii ~ x trmasukkn gy gmbr2 tuk paintball ngan mmncing . ok2 . later ak msukkan kehh :) stay tune ! Thursday, November 25, 2010, 2:19 AM
Knowing Us !
there`s soo much memories tym d form 3 ne kan ? bnyakkk sngt ! pahit manis suma ada . ngam lha tu , if hdup ne perfect jak pun bored jua kan ? hee ;) ada jak ulah kita ne . bsalha , unpredictable kan ? rmai org ckp batch kta ne , itu lh , ne lh . but , durang just judge-ing d cover . durang x taw kta ne cemana . haha ;D maybe ya lh , kta ne jht jua . tp , ada jua baik ny . tu nmanya manusia normal . full of imperfection . like us , full or our own narcism ~ but , kta ttap happy ;) ne lha , PMR victims utk taun ne && pencipta rekod . PERKASA maah ~ - E N J O Y - THE SMITH ! KAMI LHA NE ~ HIDUP BIAR LEPAK // STUDY BIAR GEMPAK ! HOBBY KAMI ;) YESS ! WE ARE . TYM PMR 2010 . FIRST DAY OF PMR ! WE NEVER CARE ~ WRITTEN BY : BAYLYY SMITH |
The Smith
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.This blog is officially ours (0812 Sm Excel batch) We start gathering since 08 JANUARY 2008 That is our precious moment together , and now , we are all form 4 :) we happy to be together , we have been through many things together . And we are still here at SM EXCEL We probably bad , maybe we stubborn , but we just have one motive That is we wanna happy and achieve FLYING COLOURS TOGETHER :) Thats us , we are too unpredictable , no one know us . except US . Thats all , got something to ask , just ask we dont bite PEOPLE :P |
Chick smith , Sherry Smith Baylyy Smith , Trident Smith Keynit Smith , Meen Smith Myy Smith , Troggie Smith ChickenDance Smith . backtoyesterday
+ Crazier :) + Smith hangout :) + New post for 2011 :) + This what we call bestfriend :) + Paintball , fishing ! Precious moment :) + posting ! + Knowing Us ! + smith menang ! :) + Kami prihatin pada kanak-kanak :) + Penattt weh , at last , our PYRAMID cyap :) whenwegone
+ November 2010 + December 2010 + January 2011 + February 2011 |
Special Stalker Meeting :)